Well, this was until I started noticing his hands in a few of his makeout shots with the girls...OMG, he has the whitest, softest, girliest hands I've ever seen, complete with tapered fingers and buffed nails. Not what I was expecting. Now, I'm not saying this is necessarily bad if you're into those kinds of hands, but for me (and I happen to be a "hands" girl), I like rugged, knobby, working hands that look like they've seen some sunshine and air in the last decade.
So, as my opinion of the Bachelor was dropping, I got to thinking about hands and what they say about a person. Thus my reason for taking pictures of my own left hand in consideration of what it says about me. Enjoy. :)
While I'm not so much a fan of shows where men get to pick and choose their women...I can agree with liking working hands....
...my hands would be a good advertisement for need of a manicure...Both of my middle fingernails have broken and so are short, while the others are long. Add to that: my thumbs still are stained with alcohol inks from the class I taught on Sunday. The stuff seems to stick to my cuticles, no matter how many showers I take or how many times I wash my hands...
I know what you mean! I know a pair of siblings who have the EXACT same hands...when I first met one of them, I was looking at his hands thinking..."Where have I seen those before?" and then I realized his sister's were the same.
Your blog was a nice read :)
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