Thursday, November 29, 2007

I decorated the house! Hooray for Christmas!

A slow day day today...all of the snow outside just makes me want to stay indoors and appreciate the beauty of winter from inside my heated living room. Last night I went to my final class at Joy's house (prof). It was a blast! More like a party than a class. I hadn't realized how much I'll miss being surrounded by such creative, diverse people every Wednesday night. We had pizza, lots of cookies and brownies and plenty of beer and wine. Some of us had more beer than others.

I have really appreciated being able to write again. Sometimes all you need is a little pushing to rediscover love for something you hadn't even realized you missed. I love immersing myself in a creative environment, whether it be art class or a creative writing group. I hope I'll be able to do more in the future.

I just found out I'll be pursuing something else I love (community service) as leader of a junior Girl Scout troop. Apparently they have been wanting to get off the ground as a troop but haven't had the leadership to do so. I remember the good times I had as a Girl Scout and hope I can live up to the position and be a positive role model for these girls. I'm so excited to be a part of their development as young adults.

This year I want to work on living up to my potential- my lifestyle, my body, my goals...everything I want to be that I feel I've fallen short on . I know (and hope) I will have to push myself into working harder than I have before, but I feel it will be worth it in the end. I want to look back next year and be proud of what I've done.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Sometimes it feels like the hours in a day run together in one big blur. I think back to the moment I woke up this morning and it seems like it was much more than 12 hours ago. The best parts are the moments that drift by slowly, clear bits of time in full color that get filed away in my mind for a rainy day. Today's filed memory was time spent with Maia, TT and Mom at the mall, just us girls. Mom spoiled all of us- she bought me two new sweaters, TT one dress shirt, Maia 3 new outfits and all of us coffee at Starbucks. The Orange Julius guys gave us free popcorn and we sat at Starbucks and talked. I don't feel spoiled very often any more, but I definitely felt spoiled this afternoon.
Everyone needs to feel spoiled once in awhile. I think all too often being "spoiled" has a bad reputation. For me, it is about feeling special and feeling important to someone else. As we get older, have children and additional responsibilities, those moments of feeling important become less frequent, and it often seems as if we are fading into the background, slowly but surely. Thank God for family and friends that keep us from fading away completely.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

There are some days where life just seems as if it's fraying at the ends. No patience left for anyone or anything and you just feel like you want to cry. Sometimes I wish it were easy for life to do a complete 180...flip it over and everything's the opposite...or just different. It would be summer, I'd be single, not fighting the motherhood battle, and traveling in another country. I often wonder what single mothers do when they don't have extended family to support them; when they reach that moment of complete frustration, that moment when they want to give up and can't. My cure these days is to shut myself in the bedroom with chocolate or McDonalds and watch T.V. Which sounds really good right about now...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

After reading and being inspired by everyone else's blogs, I'd really like to figure out this blog stuff for good.
What better way than to dive right in? And it's about time I make the leap from MySpace to blogging because, as Karen says, "you're too grown up for MySpace."
Slow day today, Christian is home sick and I am in a card-making frenzy. Here I thought it would slow down after the craft fair, but we seem to keep getting orders in. If anyone you know needs cards for any occasion, give me a call! I love being able to make $$ (though little) doing what I love, though Trisha and I have mainly been supported by our families this year. Oh well, you have to start somewhere. Thank God for parents who support their starving artist children. I've been ignoring my homework and building up a neck cramp from bending over the scrapbooking/dining room table. Oh, for the day when I have my own scrapbooking room! One step at a time I guess...

Tonight I go out to celebrate one of my friend's 21st birthday. I remember when 21 was such a landmark...hard to believe it's 5 years later already. I met Kate on our service trip to New Orleans as one of my teammates. It's these little things that remind me how important it is to participate in service and volunteering activities. I hope to be volunteering with a Junior Girl Scout troop soon and am always looking for other projects to support a good cause...this will be especially important to remember as we head into the holiday season. Whenever I think we never have enough money I try and remember those who have nothing for Christmas.

Coming Events to Support:

-Moscow Building Supply Food Drive (December 1)
-Annual Giving Tree (Palouse Mall and Eastside Market Place)
-Coats for Kids