After reading and being inspired by everyone else's blogs, I'd really like to figure out this blog stuff for good.
What better way than to dive right in? And it's about time I make the leap from MySpace to blogging because, as Karen says, "you're too grown up for MySpace."
Slow day today, Christian is home sick and I am in a card-making frenzy. Here I thought it would slow down after the craft fair, but we seem to keep getting orders in. If anyone you know needs cards for any occasion, give me a call! I love being able to make $$ (though little) doing what I love, though Trisha and I have mainly been supported by our families this year. Oh well, you have to start somewhere. Thank God for parents who support their starving artist children. I've been ignoring my homework and building up a neck cramp from bending over the scrapbooking/dining room table. Oh, for the day when I have my own scrapbooking room! One step at a time I guess...

Tonight I go out to celebrate one of my friend's 21st birthday. I remember when 21 was such a landmark...hard to believe it's 5 years later already. I met Kate on our service trip to New Orleans as one of my teammates. It's these little things that remind me how important it is to participate in service and volunteering activities. I hope to be volunteering with a Junior Girl Scout troop soon and am always looking for other projects to support a good cause...this will be especially important to remember as we head into the holiday season. Whenever I think we never have enough money I try and remember those who have nothing for Christmas.
Coming Events to Support:
-Moscow Building Supply Food Drive (December 1)
-Annual Giving Tree (Palouse Mall and Eastside Market Place)
-Coats for Kids
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