Friday, November 16, 2007

Sometimes it feels like the hours in a day run together in one big blur. I think back to the moment I woke up this morning and it seems like it was much more than 12 hours ago. The best parts are the moments that drift by slowly, clear bits of time in full color that get filed away in my mind for a rainy day. Today's filed memory was time spent with Maia, TT and Mom at the mall, just us girls. Mom spoiled all of us- she bought me two new sweaters, TT one dress shirt, Maia 3 new outfits and all of us coffee at Starbucks. The Orange Julius guys gave us free popcorn and we sat at Starbucks and talked. I don't feel spoiled very often any more, but I definitely felt spoiled this afternoon.
Everyone needs to feel spoiled once in awhile. I think all too often being "spoiled" has a bad reputation. For me, it is about feeling special and feeling important to someone else. As we get older, have children and additional responsibilities, those moments of feeling important become less frequent, and it often seems as if we are fading into the background, slowly but surely. Thank God for family and friends that keep us from fading away completely.

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