Thursday, March 27, 2008

Treasures for Sale!

Hello Friends,
Spring cleaning and the time has come for me to get rid of some of my treasures. :( Some of these are great for artist/crafting projects! Let me know if you're interested in any of the above items, and/or if you have any questions...
Green Shutters: $16
Shower Curtain Hooks: $8
Vintage Velvet Roses: $4
Blue Glass Shell Bottle: $2
Vintage Red Wrapping Paper: $3
Vintage Recipe Book: $4
Beatrix Potter Puzzle (jumbo): $3
Little Green Birdies: $4
Shabby Wire Tiered Baskets: $10
Thanks for looking!

Monday, March 24, 2008

I thought I would share a few of my favorite pictures from the last few days. Christian and Maia doing the "helicopter" on Saturday. Maia took the one of me...taking pictures at age 2...start 'em young! Maia in her new raincoat and boots sent over from Grandma Maggie...and a few pictures of Easter...I love the ones of Grandpa, Grandma and Maia!!

Easter was fun...we had about 15 people over to our house including all of the family. The best part was watching the kids do the egg hunt. There were 5 participating and they had a great time finding eggs...our backyard worked great! I know I've said it a million times, but I love our backyard! I can't wait to do the garden this year...good thing I'll be surrounded by plants all will keep me motivated!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Yesterday, Mom and I met Harmony in Lewiston and ordered the rest of the bridesmaids dresses. Check. We went to St. Vincent's Thrift (not my favorite) and then to The Hangar (always my favorite). I found two little owl salt and pepper shakers that I contemplated giving to Karen, but love too much to give away (sorry Karen! :)). On our way to lunch the hail storm hit and we ran for cover into an antique shop downtown which turned out to be a great find...two floors of booths!

Today I started my new job at Crossroads Nursery. Second only to scrapbooking, I love gardening and am so excited to be working with, and learning more about, plants. Though it was cold, my first day was great. I learned the ropes, moved some plants and tried to retain all of the information thrown my way. Not easy with the loads of common and scientific names, register procedures, closing duties, watering schedules, etc. Starting a new job is never easy, and it will probably get super hot and miserable, but I look forward to the summer ahead.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

It's Monday already. I feel like I have so many loose little ends flying about...sometimes it makes my head hurt. I think I am in desperate need of a vacation. Any vacation. I've been watching a lot of "Anthony Bourdain, No Reservations" in lieu of driving away at 3 in the morning. I wish it were my job to travel, eat and write. Preferably somewhere nice and warm.

Also, Daylight Savings has thrown my whole schedule off, and now I can't sleep until 1, but still have to wake up at 7-ish. And I'm a must-sleep-eight-hours-a-night kind of girl. This makes me tired midday, so I nap when Maia naps and then I toss and turn at night. It's a vicious cycle.

Highlight of my day- Maia drew a CIRCLE on her doodle thingermajig on purpose! Ah, the little things...:)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

On Sunday Mom, T and I went to Lewiston/Clarkston to pick up (additional) flower girl material. It was so nice down there! Sunny and at least halfway warm. After we stopped at JoAnn's we went to Albertson's for bread for the ducks and a snack for us....where I found my primroses for a $1!!! We went for a walk along the river and fed the ducks...or three geese as it turned out and then went to lunch at Tomato Bros.

Today I worked on some Paper Pals therapeutic!!! Check out our new design team blog ( I am now gearing up for a long afternoon of crabby two-year-old.